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表达时间的从属连词有:when, while, as ,before, after, till ,until, since, the moment/ instant, as long as ,whenever, etc.

例A:Babies cry when they are hungry.


例B:When I get there I'll give you a call.


例C:A Mr.Johnson came to see you while you were out.


例D:While I was standing outside the post office ,I saw Mary walking into the bookstore opposite (the post office).


例E:As I sat down beside her, she stood up and walked away.


例F:Very often she sings as she does the housework.


例G:The old man(had) died before the doctor came.


例H:She got married right after she graduated from college.


例I:We walked and walked till/until it was quite dark.


例J:Until you told me, I had no idea of it at all.


例K:I haven't heard from her since she left for Australia.


例L:The policemen rushed to the bank the moment they got the alarm.


例M:I'll let you know as soon as I've received the result.


例N:You may stay here as/so long as you keep quiet.


例O:I go to my teacher for advice whenever I am in trouble.


解说 要在一个句子里表达两个动作,说“……A……的时候就……B……”,“when”是最常用的表时间的从属连词(例A)。表示相接发生的两动作也常使用“when”(例B)。

“while”是表示“during the time that…”的意思,也就是说含有“时量”的意思(例C),因此“while +S + be +V-ing…”在日常英语中是很常用的句式(例D)。




“the moment/instant”也是表达时间的从属连词,表示“一……就立即……”的意思(例L),与“as soon as (例M)”同义。

例N的“as/ so long as ”在现代英语以“as long as”较为普通。

例O的“whenever”是表示“every time when”(每……的时候)”的意思。


表达场所的从属连词有:where, wherever

例:Where there is a will ,there is a way. ----Proverb.


例:Sit wherever you like, please.



表达原因、理由的从属连词有:because ,as ,since, seeing (that),now(that) ,etc.

例:He has few friends because he is selfish.


例:As I got up late ,I came to school without my breakfast this morning.


例:Since you are a friend of my younger brother's I'll come to your help.


例:Seeing that he was there ,he may have seen her.


例:Now(that) the exam is over, you can go to the movies this evening.


解说 表达原因、理由最常用的从属连词就是“because”,但是在用法上应注意下列三点。



例:He speaks English well for he comes from the Untied States.


He is hungry because he didn't have breakfast this morning.



For he comes from…(误)

Because he didn't have…(正)


例:He is in good health for he keeps early hours.


例: He was punished because he cheated in the examination.



例:He felt tired.Because he had walked a long way.(误)


He felt tired because he …(正)

Because …,he felt tired.(正)


例:Why did you have a quarrel with him?


Because he called me names.(正)


③“because”引导的是从句,“because of ”是短语介词,只能取宾语。

例:The game was called off because it rained.

(那场球赛被取消是因为下了雨。) 例:Because of the rain, the game was called off.


(4)because与as, since的区别


例:As it's raining again, we'll have to stay(at) home.


例:Since he had not paid his bill, his electricity was cut off.


----PEU,Michael Swan

相对地,“because”就用于指对方或读者不知的原因或理由。 例:Why were you late for school this morning?


Because I had an accident on my way to school.


“seeing(that); now(that)”的用法及其所表示的意思与“since”相同,“that”常省略。


表达目的的从属连词有:(so)that, in order that, 通常和“may/might…”连用。

例A:She saves some money every month that she may go to the United States for advanced studies.

(她每个月储蓄一些钱目的是要赴美国留学深造。) 例B:He started early(so) that he might catch the first train.


例C:I practiced and practiced in order that I could win the first prize.


解说 主句的动词若是一般现在时(如例A),表目的的从句用“that…may +V…”,若是过去时(如例B),就用“that…might +V…”。表示目的的从句在日常英语中也常使用“can/could +V…(例C)”。


表达结果的从属连词有:so …that,such…that。

例A:He is so lazy that he has failed in the examination again.


例B:He ran- so fast that nobody could catch him.


例C:He asked us such a hard question that nobody present could give a correct answer to it.


解说 表示结果的句式是:“so + Adj.(例A)/Adv.(例B) +that…”和“such a +Adj.+N +that or such + Adj.+N(e) s+ that ”。这两个句式可以通用,例如:

He is such a lazy student that…

He was such a fast runner that…

He asked us so hard a question that…


表达条件的从属连词有:if, unless, supposing/ suppose(that) ,in case (that), provided(that) ,etc.

例A:She won't go if it rains tomorrow.


例B:If I had wings, I could fly like birds.


例C:She will go unless it rains tomorrow.

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